Author: Kriti
Jigsaw Puzzle
/ BlogRead More →: Jigsaw PuzzleIn a toy jigsaw puzzle: use your brain to fit the pieces at the right places to give it a final shape. In a real-life project: find and collect the pieces of the puzzle and put these together for the final result. This is the difference between a toy puzzle and a real-life project/puzzle.
/ BlogRead More →: MomentumGain momentum by adding moments of success – however small Gain momentum by adding moments of progress – and make yourself tall
Bloom like lotus
/ BlogRead More →: Bloom like lotusTake advantage of the dual nature in everything like the lotus – which grows in muddy waters but blooms into a beautiful flower take advantage of all your challenging moments to convert them into something good it will need – making a list of all points rearranging & reorganizing and creating a masterpiece
Channelize thoughts
/ BlogRead More →: Channelize thoughtsThoughts will keep your mind busy continuously which becomes tiring Thoughts: write down some of these it makes it easier to deal with them and then focus on important ones
Depths and light
/ BlogRead More →: Depths and lightThe depths of the human psyche – for the humans the depths of soil carrying seeds – for the plants the depths of the oceans – for the ocean creatures and the deep and dark universe – for all kinds of beings are all the same Waiting to come out of the dark to reach light …
The journey is within
/ BlogRead More →: The journey is withinThe more we want to travel outside the more we really want to come within When our mind space is cluttered we want to take a break and go to a quiet place or go on a vacation Giving some space to the self energizes us and we feel healthy Our inner space is cleared and…
Finding yourself
/ BlogRead More →: Finding yourselfFrom the many roles that you play daily Find your true identity; Be silent for sometime daily Focus on your strengths and weaknesses to find yourself Now working on yourself will be easier For a better you and a better future
Awakening Moments
/ BlogRead More →: Awakening MomentsTurn towards light – when in problem Light means keeping healthy whatever the situation Light means keeping busy in constructive things even when stressed Light means checking oneself from being depressed and give it a colorful twist Light means being silent for sometimes and conserving energies