Keep your energy with you keep your chakras rotating take your bright aura with you be aware of your breath of inhales and exhales the whole universe is made of energy waves that are constantly moving with gravity holding energy patterns as large galaxies and planetary systems The individual also needs to keep his/her energy centered to…
The physical human body in itself is very very limited Like living in a very small house Etheric expansion converts it into a large house And this is achieved by deep breathing/meditation/similar such activities That is why you feel more at peace with yourself after meditating Expansion is possible only because we have etheric layers…
Emotions are wavy thoughts constantly moving and reaching your brain you can get affected by these OR You can channelize thoughts in some direction It is said that you should “feel the emotions fully and then release” Also at times you will need to assert your thinking process to feel good by mantra chanting, visualization…
You buy good clothes You maintain these clothes You are proud of your wardrobe You wear clean bright clothes But what about your auric clothes? If you are sad, irritated, having negative emotions your aura will be dull or with cracks, with heaviness You wear whatever – you will not feel good Meditation for a…
Even when your vision is clear without blurs You could be just looking Or you could be seeing and becoming aware Or you could be watching and noticing what is happening And when you reach a stage of noticing Are you able to understand clearly what is really going on? There could be mental blurs…
When you are feeling low Use this time to go deep, very deep – spiritually Lay down and close your eyes As you are feeling the heaviness of being low, acknowledge it Don’t run away from this Just feel it and then let go of the feeling Think that you are better than many people…
How to keep your Geometry good? The mantras that we recite with a calm mind create symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. The mantras that we say silently create expansion of the aura in symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. Test this for 5 minutes of your time. Feel the effect. Increase the time daily.
Each one of us has an individualistic geometric pattern/structure. As we grow older – these patterns start unfolding themselves. It is like a bud, small flower, flower and so on for each soul. As our auric structure unfolds, the events in our life take place.