Tag: create

  • What is being aware?

    As you sit still and do meditation & keep doing: you have a large space available for yourself. (see the previous post) This is not just a large space: you create a sort of stretch and elasticity here. This is the awareness of your body and around your body. You can go from any chakra to…

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  • Good Geometry

    How to keep your Geometry good? The mantras that we recite with a calm mind create symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. The mantras that we say silently create expansion of the aura in symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. Test this for 5 minutes of your time. Feel the effect. Increase the time daily.

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  • Bloom like lotus

    Take advantage of the dual nature in everything like the lotus – which grows in muddy waters but blooms into a beautiful flower take advantage of all your challenging moments to convert them into something good it will need – making a list of all points rearranging & reorganizing and creating a masterpiece

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