Tag: daily

  • Auric clothes

    You buy good clothes You maintain these clothes You are proud of your wardrobe You wear clean bright clothes  But what about your auric clothes? If you are sad, irritated, having negative emotions  your aura will be dull or with cracks, with heaviness You wear whatever – you will not feel good Meditation for a…

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  • Geometry & shapes

    Check different geometrical shapes around us and see what shapes serve what purpose. The streamlined shape of an airplane and curved shape of its wings help it fly The flying balloon – the basket and the fabric over it help it float the streamlined shape of a boat help it move in water and the…

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  • Position yourself well

    How do you eat food? You take all the food items on a plate, sit on a chair properly, and then start eating. This is a simple good alignment. But what do you do with your auric body? You never think about it. Good alignment will come like this. Keep your muladhara/root chakra revolving. You have to visualize…

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  • That “doing”

    Why do people do what they do? What goes on inside the brain responsible for “that doing” – the daily events. That “doing” is the best strategy for the moment. That “doing” keeps conflict at bay. That “doing” benefits the individual. That “doing” gives them emotional satisfaction. Others may know or not know the reasons. But that “doing”…

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  • Brain is infinite

    BRAIN alphabets numbering is B = 2 R = 18 A = 1 I = 9 N = 14 Total is 2 + 18 + 1 + 9 + 14 = 44; 44 = 4 + 4 = 8  8 is symbolized as infinity. Brain has infinite possibilities. It depends on each individual to give a…

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  • Control of your thoughts

    Beware of others’ thoughts controlling you – when you suddenly have a change in temperament  you suddenly want to eat something you suddenly want to do something or your behavior towards others suddenly changes it could be others’ thoughts manipulating you —- Sit still – pray to God peacefully and stabilize your aura with deep breathing…

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