Tag: direction

  • Feel good

    Emotions are wavy thoughts constantly moving and reaching your brain you can get affected by these OR You can channelize thoughts in some direction It is said that you should “feel the emotions fully and then release” Also at times you will need to assert your thinking process  to feel good by mantra chanting, visualization…

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  • Brain is infinite

    BRAIN alphabets numbering is B = 2 R = 18 A = 1 I = 9 N = 14 Total is 2 + 18 + 1 + 9 + 14 = 44; 44 = 4 + 4 = 8  8 is symbolized as infinity. Brain has infinite possibilities. It depends on each individual to give a…

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  • The Complex & Easy Human Brain

    Human brain: “its capacity to think and behave” study will ensure a better people management in the Societies. Human thoughts are infinite. They don’t follow a linear path. Human thoughts work in infinite vortexes of waves. Understanding its working can help us deal with the most important aspect of human life: managing the human relationships…

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