Tag: emotional

  • Feel good – cleaning

    The difference between cleanliness and filth: You have a house which is dull, dirty and with low lights. You have a house which is clean and decorated with flowers and lights. The size of the house doesn’t matter, but it has to be clean. Your body is your basic house – you have to keep…

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  • Feel good – clean aura

    Why does the body feel light after meditation?Because you expand your space and your consciousness Before meditation – you will feel less air and a certain heaviness Because your aura has less air and a certain heaviness Your aura could have blocks, patches or debris based on your emotional instability at the moment After meditation –…

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  • Feel good – work hard

    At times you feel that however hard you try, you are not accomplishing anything The KEY here is NOT to dwell too much on failure After a while Get back on track Keep your physical health good Cultivate your emotional health better Recreate your motivational skills to the next level Multiply your chances of success…

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  • That “doing”

    Why do people do what they do? What goes on inside the brain responsible for “that doing” – the daily events. That “doing” is the best strategy for the moment. That “doing” keeps conflict at bay. That “doing” benefits the individual. That “doing” gives them emotional satisfaction. Others may know or not know the reasons. But that “doing”…

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  • The Complex & Easy Human Brain

    Human brain: “its capacity to think and behave” study will ensure a better people management in the Societies. Human thoughts are infinite. They don’t follow a linear path. Human thoughts work in infinite vortexes of waves. Understanding its working can help us deal with the most important aspect of human life: managing the human relationships…

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