Tag: events

  • Feel good – have clarity

    Are thoughts, happenings, events or problems driving you crazy? Stop panicking Is your head full of thoughts and words which make no sense? Stop panicking Get clarity: Writing it down “will not let you feel alone” as if you have a friend to talk to and that too without judging Think about the outcome for all…

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  • Geometric unfolding

    Each one of us has an individualistic geometric pattern/structure. As we grow older – these patterns start unfolding themselves. It is like a bud, small flower, flower and so on for each soul. As our auric structure unfolds, the events in our life take place.

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  • That “doing”

    Why do people do what they do? What goes on inside the brain responsible for “that doing” – the daily events. That “doing” is the best strategy for the moment. That “doing” keeps conflict at bay. That “doing” benefits the individual. That “doing” gives them emotional satisfaction. Others may know or not know the reasons. But that “doing”…

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