Tag: good

  • Auric clothes

    You buy good clothes You maintain these clothes You are proud of your wardrobe You wear clean bright clothes  But what about your auric clothes? If you are sad, irritated, having negative emotions  your aura will be dull or with cracks, with heaviness You wear whatever – you will not feel good Meditation for a…

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  • Good Geometry of Music

    Why do we like music? We can’t see it.  But the rhythm of it percolates into the mind of the listener.  The crests (upper part of a wave) and the troughs (lower part of a wave) – the slide and the glide of musical notes – please the listener. The swells and the trickle, the…

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  • Good Geometry

    How to keep your Geometry good? The mantras that we recite with a calm mind create symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. The mantras that we say silently create expansion of the aura in symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. Test this for 5 minutes of your time. Feel the effect. Increase the time daily.

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  • Your Geometry

    God bless your Geometry. Good alignment of the physical body with your etheric body creates a balancing aura. The shape of the cells, shape of your aura have a good geometrical feel. Good Geometry or Sacred Geometry has a major role to play in this Universe and in the life of each human being,

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  • Position yourself well

    How do you eat food? You take all the food items on a plate, sit on a chair properly, and then start eating. This is a simple good alignment. But what do you do with your auric body? You never think about it. Good alignment will come like this. Keep your muladhara/root chakra revolving. You have to visualize…

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  • Brain is infinite

    BRAIN alphabets numbering is B = 2 R = 18 A = 1 I = 9 N = 14 Total is 2 + 18 + 1 + 9 + 14 = 44; 44 = 4 + 4 = 8  8 is symbolized as infinity. Brain has infinite possibilities. It depends on each individual to give a…

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