Tag: individual

  • Feel good – energy

    Keep your energy with you keep your chakras rotating take your bright aura with you be aware of your breath  of inhales and exhales the whole universe is made of energy waves  that are constantly moving with gravity holding energy patterns as large galaxies and planetary systems The individual also needs to keep his/her energy centered  to…

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  • That “doing”

    Why do people do what they do? What goes on inside the brain responsible for “that doing” – the daily events. That “doing” is the best strategy for the moment. That “doing” keeps conflict at bay. That “doing” benefits the individual. That “doing” gives them emotional satisfaction. Others may know or not know the reasons. But that “doing”…

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  • Brain is infinite

    BRAIN alphabets numbering is B = 2 R = 18 A = 1 I = 9 N = 14 Total is 2 + 18 + 1 + 9 + 14 = 44; 44 = 4 + 4 = 8  8 is symbolized as infinity. Brain has infinite possibilities. It depends on each individual to give a…

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