Tag: minutes

  • Auric clothes

    You buy good clothes You maintain these clothes You are proud of your wardrobe You wear clean bright clothes  But what about your auric clothes? If you are sad, irritated, having negative emotions  your aura will be dull or with cracks, with heaviness You wear whatever – you will not feel good Meditation for a…

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  • Good Geometry

    How to keep your Geometry good? The mantras that we recite with a calm mind create symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. The mantras that we say silently create expansion of the aura in symmetrical geometrical patterns around us. Test this for 5 minutes of your time. Feel the effect. Increase the time daily.

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  • Basic Course for relaxing

    2. Finger mudras – keep your thoughts on top of the head while doing this. 3. Find your balancing point – this one will take practice. When you are totally relaxed after the first 2 steps, you will be able to find your balancing point. It could be within your body or outside your body…

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