Tag: move

  • Focus: Physical & Mental

    Even when your vision is clear without blurs You could be just looking Or you could be seeing and becoming aware Or you could be watching and noticing what is happening And when you reach a stage of noticing Are you able to understand clearly what is really going on? There could be mental blurs…

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  • Geometry & shapes

    Check different geometrical shapes around us and see what shapes serve what purpose. The streamlined shape of an airplane and curved shape of its wings help it fly The flying balloon – the basket and the fabric over it help it float the streamlined shape of a boat help it move in water and the…

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  • Awakening Moments

    Turn towards light – when in problem Light means keeping healthy whatever the situation  Light means keeping busy in constructive things even when stressed Light means checking oneself from being depressed and give it a colorful twist Light means being silent for sometimes and conserving energies

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