Tag: peace
Feel good/expansion
/ BlogRead More →: Feel good/expansionThe physical human body in itself is very very limited Like living in a very small house Etheric expansion converts it into a large house And this is achieved by deep breathing/meditation/similar such activities That is why you feel more at peace with yourself after meditating Expansion is possible only because we have etheric layers…
Feel good
/ BlogRead More →: Feel goodEmotions are wavy thoughts constantly moving and reaching your brain you can get affected by these OR You can channelize thoughts in some direction It is said that you should “feel the emotions fully and then release” Also at times you will need to assert your thinking process to feel good by mantra chanting, visualization…
The journey is within
/ BlogRead More →: The journey is withinThe more we want to travel outside the more we really want to come within When our mind space is cluttered we want to take a break and go to a quiet place or go on a vacation Giving some space to the self energizes us and we feel healthy Our inner space is cleared and…