Tag: physical
Feel good – work hard
/ BlogRead More →: Feel good – work hardAt times you feel that however hard you try, you are not accomplishing anything The KEY here is NOT to dwell too much on failure After a while Get back on track Keep your physical health good Cultivate your emotional health better Recreate your motivational skills to the next level Multiply your chances of success…
Feel good/expansion
/ BlogRead More →: Feel good/expansionThe physical human body in itself is very very limited Like living in a very small house Etheric expansion converts it into a large house And this is achieved by deep breathing/meditation/similar such activities That is why you feel more at peace with yourself after meditating Expansion is possible only because we have etheric layers…
Your Geometry
/ BlogRead More →: Your GeometryGod bless your Geometry. Good alignment of the physical body with your etheric body creates a balancing aura. The shape of the cells, shape of your aura have a good geometrical feel. Good Geometry or Sacred Geometry has a major role to play in this Universe and in the life of each human being,
Depths and light
/ BlogRead More →: Depths and lightThe depths of the human psyche – for the humans the depths of soil carrying seeds – for the plants the depths of the oceans – for the ocean creatures and the deep and dark universe – for all kinds of beings are all the same Waiting to come out of the dark to reach light …