Tag: rotating

  • Feel good – cleaning

    The difference between cleanliness and filth: You have a house which is dull, dirty and with low lights. You have a house which is clean and decorated with flowers and lights. The size of the house doesn’t matter, but it has to be clean. Your body is your basic house – you have to keep…

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  • Feel good – energy

    Keep your energy with you keep your chakras rotating take your bright aura with you be aware of your breath  of inhales and exhales the whole universe is made of energy waves  that are constantly moving with gravity holding energy patterns as large galaxies and planetary systems The individual also needs to keep his/her energy centered  to…

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  • Geometry & shapes

    Check different geometrical shapes around us and see what shapes serve what purpose. The streamlined shape of an airplane and curved shape of its wings help it fly The flying balloon – the basket and the fabric over it help it float the streamlined shape of a boat help it move in water and the…

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