Tag: space

  • What is being aware?

    As you sit still and do meditation & keep doing: you have a large space available for yourself. (see the previous post) This is not just a large space: you create a sort of stretch and elasticity here. This is the awareness of your body and around your body. You can go from any chakra to…

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  • Feel good – clean aura

    Why does the body feel light after meditation?Because you expand your space and your consciousness Before meditation – you will feel less air and a certain heaviness Because your aura has less air and a certain heaviness Your aura could have blocks, patches or debris based on your emotional instability at the moment After meditation –…

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  • Feel good

    Emotions are wavy thoughts constantly moving and reaching your brain you can get affected by these OR You can channelize thoughts in some direction It is said that you should “feel the emotions fully and then release” Also at times you will need to assert your thinking process  to feel good by mantra chanting, visualization…

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